
What our customers are saying about our software

I’m a developer and very picky about the software I use. I’ve used literally every todo / PIM software on the market and Swift To-Do is by far the best. It’s the only one I trust and use nowadays. You’ve done a great job making it stable and allowing me to make the text bigger in options for my poor eyes 🙂

Thanks for all your help. You have a great product and a customer for life.

If I can ever help with anything just let me know.

Ryan H

Swift To-Do List has definitely become a major part of how I manage myself now, and I’m surprised how much of a positive impact it is having on me personally and professionally.

Greg M

Swift To-Do just keeps getting better. Frankly, using it is a profit center for me, both in time I use more efficiently and in my better standing at work – many thanks for your fine product.

Carl H

I’ve just started to use Swift To-Do List and my whole life is changed. I’m no more forgetting everything like early i did. I’m under the impression that i am a “non-forgettable” person.


The Sub Tasks alone are a phenomenal addition to this latest release.

This is a truly awesome program!

..my hat is off to you once again.

Thanks for developing this indispensable tool.

Bob M

Your software looks like a life-saver to me! I am just starting off but am sold already. I am accustom to the world of Palm Pilots and Covey – and haven’t found anything nearly as close to your product!!

Larry P

I recently discovered and downloaded the Swift To-Do List (after months of examining other PIM and task management software), and I must say: I absolutely LOVE this application!

Metta Z

The more I use your product – the more thoughts and ideas I get on how to incorporate it into my crazy life.

So many people have noticed a change in me – I am more productive, happier – and I tell all of them its because of this miracle program.

I have a safe secure place to put all the “STUFF” that was whirling around in my head and/or the scattered sheets of paper, file folders – that sense of overwhelm and being out of control – is GONE FOR GOOD – thanks to you 🙂

Sherri W

I love Swift To-Do List! It is the greatest. It is simple, fast, efficient, and one of the best tools I have ever found to keep all my “stuff” in one place.

I store absolutely everything in it from my shopping list, information on major purchases, where to buy what, gardening information, books to read, movies to see, recipes, you name it. And it all fits the format nicely. I don’t have to keep little notes, lists, wads of paper, receipts, etc., anymore. I am finally organized, happy, have more time, and know where everything is.

I don’t know what I did without it.

Thank you so much for taking the chaos out of my life.

Sara L

A great program and worth every cent. Finally, order out of chaos. Thanks!

Ben B

Wonderful. Thank you Jiri. Your customer service is second to none.

Phil K

I use Swift To-Do List every day in my consulting business. It has evolved
to be a very well-formed and useful application.

Stephen C

Loving your sharp little program to pieces! Thank you for making our lives easier.

Joe K

I have purchased Swift To-Do List Professional. I am very happy with it!!! It is indeed a brilliant tool. (…)

Thank you for your motivation and encouragements and of course for the fabulous task manager!

Best wishes

Jean-Marie J

Just want to say, that the program is very useful [in] our day to day business, we have upgraded to the full version and find it extremely useful.

Many thanks

Bridget C

By the way, one of the things I’ve heard many times is if you have more than ten things on your to-do list, you should throw the list away because you’ll never get them all done. Hogwash, of course. Triage is what’s needed, not surrender. Swift To-do has paid for itself, many times over. It just works.

Carl H

Hello Jiri,

I just wanted to share this email with you.  I have been talking to my Uncle and my Mom about how great your program is… I just wanted to forward the last email I sent her because it illustrates how awesome I think your program is

I just wanted to say thanks for developing such a great program.  (…)

Thanks Mom….
Yep!  I definitely feel like this tool allows me to operate on a whole new level.

I can immediately capture thoughts, tasks, requests etc, whenever I receive them without interrupting my train of thought…  

What’s so different about this program is that it operates in the background.  If I hit Ctrl Shift T .. it pops up. I can do what I need quickly then hit Ctrl Shift T again and it disappears. If I am working on something… and think to myself that I have to take action related to something I am typing… I can highlight the sentence and hit Ctrl Shift A… this will start a new task with the text I just highlighted.

Hey Chuck,


I’m just really excited about it.
I just finished my 3rd week of using it.  I use it all day every day.. both jobs.

At this point, I can’t imagine not having it. Each day I use it I find myself smiling and saying to myself… this is awesome…  It’s really that good.

You’d think I have stock in the company the way I’m talking it up but…I’m just so impressed with it I wanted to make sure you at least looked at it.

Bob M

I’ve purchased Fast Paste and absolutely love it! And I only use it for a couple of things… accessing my password safe and entering my email address, so far.

I have arthritis so it helps ease the pain and makes things so much easier and faster! (…) my fingers are starting to feel better.

Jeff T

I can’t tell you how valuable and useful your Swift to Do Program has been to keep track on my to do planning!

At first I thought I could simply set up a spreadsheet and keep track that way but after being a satisfied Swift user for months now, I am really sold on your product. I would recommend it to interested parties. Congratulations on a great product!

Edward K

I’ve tried using both Outlook and Toodledo (on my own and with the 1MTD guide), but in the end I really wanted a simpler, more configurable, focused, standalone desktop app, so that’s why I chose Swift To-Do List!

I’m at my desktop 90% of the time, but being able to access my tasks on the Swift.me website through my Android phone is a bonus!

The more I’ve used it in the past couple of weeks, the more appreciative I’ve been that you’ve built a simple and flexible tool that can work the way I want to work and not hardcoded to work the way you or someone else thought I should work. It’s the perfect balance of simplicity and usability!

Jason R

Swift To-Do List 11

#1 to-do list software for Windows
Compatible with: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP, both 32-bit and 64-bit.
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Swift To-Do List 11

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